Welcome to the BiologySupport website!

I have a PhD in biology and worked for many years as a researcher in the United Kingdom and the United States. I published several peer-reviewed papers and participated in many educational activities and public events.

Although I am not a native speaker, English is my second language and I have been providing editorial services since a couple of years.

I would like to use my knowledge, research experience, my passion for communication and for Biology, to the service of others. As a freelancer, I offer copy-editing services and thesis editing, contribution to digital learning methods, and literature search services for education, exhibitions, or science fairs.


Thank you for your interest, and feel free to come back soon!

Editing, proofreading, copy-editing


I would like to use my background as a biologist, my publication record, and my affinity with language, especially English, to provide copy-editing and proofreading services. At the moment, I am working as a freelance copyeditor for Crimson / Enago

Education, scientific background, advice


I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with a wide audience. Not only at international conferences, but also at schools, during open days in museums, and at science fairs. I am happy to assist at an information stand, to search literature and provide scientific background for exhibitions, science fairs or products.

Research overview



I also presented our research at national and international conferences and was invited to give talks at two symposia in the USA (ICVM, 29 June – 3 July, Bethesda, MD, USA: skeletal biology symposium; Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, LA, USA, 6-9 July2016: sawfish biology symposium). More information on my research career can be found on the Research Overview page